What I’m reading: 04/05/2009
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Scientists have found that minute levels of radioactive carbon absorbed by the barley as it grew before it was harvested to make the whisky can betray – accurately – how old it is.
Art student Sara Watson, 22, has created a great piece of art by spray-painting a battered Skoda Fabia to match the car park and entrance to her art studio. Her work, created as part of her drawing and image-making course at the University of Central Lancashire, creates the illusion that the car is see-through. Hang on – you mean real-world objects don't come with a transparency setting like the ones in Second Life…?
In a disputed development with a remarkable resemblance to the plot of 'Lost World,' new evidence suggests an "isolated community" of dinosaurs might escaped annihilation and lived on atop a rocky, desert plateau in North America. But they *still* didn't co-exist with humans!
A bizarre news story that raises far more questions than it answers, questions that will almost certainly never be resolved.